Mobile & Web Apps: Which is better?
We all are aware of apps, and we every day come across in our day to day life. Yes, they are right in our pockets, on your phones. We use apps in a numerous way like Google Maps helps us get around, whereas Facebook enables us to be in touch with our friends and Candy Crush becomes our guilty pleasure. But are you aware that there are two different types of apps? Yes, Native and Web apps. Though they might seem to be very similar, these two types of apps have relatively different experience for users.
Native apps are something we come across very frequently on a regular basis. It is designed for an explicit device that needs to be downloaded directly to the mobile device. Once tapped into a device, its native features allows for more interactive experience for your clients. For instance, native apps enable the user to access their device’s camera, accept push notes or share their current location through the app. It is one of the great as they are available right there on your device’s home screen that can be readily available for the app users.
The Web apps that are usually accessed through the browser available on a mobile device are known as Web apps. It makes an excellent option if your client base holds a big deal of Blackberries and Windows phones as well as iPhones and Androids. The web apps enable you to reach a broader audience with their limited features. It, however, lacks in some abilities when compared with the native app.
Phoenix Infomedia provide a similar experience to a web app. We would suggest you a native app for your clients. Its rich experience will surely make your app be one of the go-to on the user’s home screen.